How to Clean Windows and Prevent Streaks: Expert Tips

  Reading time 6 minutes

Cleaning windows can often feel like a daunting task, especially when you’re left with unsightly streaks. However, according to professional cleaning experts, achieving crystal-clear windows is entirely possible with the right techniques and tools. This article will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to clean your windows effectively while preventing streaks for a sparkling finish.

Essential Tools and Supplies

Мужчина в зелёной футболке моет окна в офисе с видом на город.

Before diving into the cleaning process, it is crucial to gather the right tools and supplies. Having quality materials will significantly improve your window-cleaning results. Here’s a list of essential items you’ll need:

  1. Bucket
  2. Lint-free cloths or microfiber cloths
  3. Window squeegee
  4. Non-ammonia window cleaner or a homemade vinegar solution
  5. Scrubber or sponge

Using a window squeegee is particularly important, as it helps to remove any cleaning solution and dirt efficiently, leaving a streak-free shine. Microfiber cloths are also invaluable, as they trap dirt and dust without leaving lint behind. Opting for a non-ammonia cleaner can reduce the chances of leaving residues that lead to streaks, while homemade solutions are often just as effective.

Preparing for the Cleaning Process

Руки женщины протирают окно голубой тряпкой, на заднем плане комнатное растение.

Preparation is key to achieving the best results when cleaning windows. Start by choosing a cloudy day to clean your windows, as direct sunlight can cause the cleaning solution to dry too quickly, resulting in streaks. Next, ensure to remove any furniture or obstacles near the windows to give yourself ample space to work. It’s also advisable to wear gloves to protect your hands from any harsh cleaners.

Once you have a clear working space, inspect the windows for any accumulated dust or debris, like spider webs or dirt. A dry cloth can be used to give the window frames and sills a quick wipe down before the washing begins. This initial step will help maximize the effectiveness of your cleaning efforts.

The Proper Cleaning Technique

Человек в перчатках разливает моющее средство в раковине на кухне возле окна.

The technique you use for cleaning windows makes a significant difference in the end result. Start by filling your bucket with warm water and add the appropriate amount of your chosen cleaner. Dip your scrubber or sponge into the mixture, then start cleaning the window from the top down, working in small sections. Be sure to apply enough pressure to remove any built-up grime without causing damage to the glass.

After scrubbing, use the squeegee to remove the solution. Begin at the top corner of the window and pull the squeegee downwards in a straight motion. Wipe the squeegee’s blade with a lint-free cloth after each pass to prevent dirt from being spread back onto the glass. Repeat the process until entire window is clean, and finish by wiping the edges with a cloth to remove any leftover solution.

Tips for Preventing Streaks

Once your windows are clean, you want to ensure that streaks do not mar your hard work. Here are some expert tips for preventing streaks:

  • Use distilled water or vinegar in your cleaning solution, as tap water may contain minerals that lead to streaking.
  • Create a cleaning schedule; washing windows frequently reduces buildup.
  • Dry your windows using a clean squeegee and cloth, avoiding paper towels that can leave lint.
  • Work in sections and avoid over-saturating the window with cleaning solution.
  • Consider investing in a window cleaning tool that allows for extension; this will help you reach higher windows without leaving dirt behind.

By applying these tips, you can ensure that your windows remain spotless long after the cleaning is done.


Cleaning your windows and preventing streaks doesn’t have to be a headache. By following expert guidelines and utilizing the right tools and techniques, you can achieve a crystal-clear shine. Always prepare your space properly, choose the right weather, and adopt the recommended cleaning methods for outstanding results. Remember, practice makes perfect; the more you clean your windows, the better you’ll get at it!


1. How often should windows be cleaned?

It is recommended to clean windows at least twice a year, but you may want to clean them more frequently if you live in an area with high pollen, dust, or pollution.

2. Can I use vinegar to clean my windows?

Yes, vinegar is an excellent natural cleaner. Mix equal parts of vinegar and water for an effective homemade window-cleaning solution.

3. What can I use instead of a squeegee?

If you don’t have a squeegee, a clean microfiber cloth can be used to manually wipe and dry the window after applying the cleaning solution.

4. Should I clean inside or outside windows first?

It’s best to clean the outside windows first, as this helps avoid streaks from dirt dripping onto the already clean inside surfaces.

5. Why do my windows still streak after cleaning?

Streaks can be caused by using dirty tools, over-saturating the glass with cleaning solution, or cleaning in direct sunlight. Ensure you use clean equipment and follow the right techniques to minimize streaks.